How to protect your DVR system

When having CCTV installed there are a number of different types of systems you can use. If you do not wan to have to reply on the internet being up then you may opt for hard wired CCTV systems which have power supplied to them via a cable. This cable is then also used to enable the cameras to record footage and send it back to a DVR box where the footage is stored. When using one of these types of systems you need to think carefully about where the footage will be stored and how secure it will be. If the footage is not backed up to the cloud, then it may be lost forever if the DVR recorder is stolen. Most criminals will look to take this box if they notice that there is a CCTV system. Ideally the best place to put this is in the attic. You will need to ensure that you can have power going to it and that it can receive a WiFi signal though. If not then you may want to hide in on top of a wardrobe, somewhere where it cannot be easily found. Ideally ensure you have all footage to be backup up to the cloud to an external hard drive to make sure that you have copies should the worse happen.